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What we do

Fast 58 is a registered charity set up by a group of Christian volunteers with a commitment to street based outreach and ministry to the poor and needy in London.

FasT 58 Kitchen 

Every Friday night, volunteers from Fast 58 cook up to 200 hot meals and prepare bags of fresh fruit and flasks of tea and coffee to be served to vulnerable, homeless and rough sleepers in the Strand and Waterloo areas.


All the food is prepared and packed on the day and then our team of volunteers head out onto the streets at where they share the food packs with any vulnerable people in need. For those who are looking for additional support, a sympathetic ear or are in search of spiritual support, the team always makes time for them.


We are very careful and sensitive about encouraging vulnerable people to accept our message, however many people have come to Christ during these moments, seeking help in their time of need. Our outreach is usually concluded by a time of worship on the street, joined by rough sleepers, other churches with a heart for the homeless, and even by passers-by.

What you can do to help

As a volunteer organisation with a very modest budget, we always welcome help from volunteers who share our concern for the homeless. You can help with food preparation, transport, food distribution and ministry on our Friday outreach.

Even if you cannot help by volunteering your time, a donation towards the cost of providing food would help to ensure that we are able to continue to provide nourishing meal to those in real need.


Everyone can make a difference...

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